
Danny's birthday night

My new style

A server at the casino spilled a glass of wine all over my shirt so they gave me this to wear!

Hilton lobby

Don't know what Darren is doing here but I am likely up for some kind of award for this shirt


Me in front of the Hilton


Atlas Beach

A bunch of us went out to Atlas Beach again last weekend. No Black Tooth sighting but there were some tracks...


It's dark but this is actually Darren taking a deuce...and laughing his head off.

Water dispute

Nobody told Polack that team OB was 3 years ago.


Hana and Gami

Vine City

Wine bar in Kangnam

clam bake

our dinner

Seoul Tower

Jin and I went for a great autumn walk on Sunday night up NamSan (South Mountain)

View from Seoul Tower

You can see the tallest building in Korea behind the Han River. It's called the 63 building...can you possibly imagine why?

Sunday evening

On South Mountain

Dart Bar in Shinchon

Darren talking shit as usual.